UPDATE: 700 trees have now been bought. 400 are already planted with another 300 being planted in the next few weeks.
We began a tree nursery in Sawagongo in June 2018 to benefit more than 50 Kenyan youths. Locking Castle Church, a silver awarded ECO Church, have joined forces with us to support the planting of 1,000 fruit trees in the grounds of schools in Kenya before Christmas. This will help fight climate change, provide fruit supplements for school meals for future generations and provide employment and a purpose to many youths. The schools can choose from mango, paw-paw, banana, ornamental trees, timber trees and other environmentally friendly trees. Tom Yacomeni, lead minister of Locking Castle Church said, “it’s a win, win, win because we are caring for the planet, providing employment and loving others.”
Kenyan Pastor Edward Watta said: “our youths need to engage in spiritual, social, educational and practical activities that can help them develop into future responsible personalities. This project has enabled some to get some school fees and the project has helped engage the youth so that idleness and loitering was reduced.”
“The first 400 trees are being planted so we are almost half-way to our target,” explained chairman Brian Humphreys. “The trees only cost £2 each and can be bought through our Facebook page (, or text/call chairman Brian on 07879 847657.